Saturday, October 21, 2006


Smart and sassy and ohhh so classy
Caroline's got one bangin' chassis
It's all smooth lines from front to back
With a booty that'll give you a freakin' heart attack
Cause girl's got such a phat ass
That in under 5 seconds your cock goes 0 to full mass!!!

OMG you ever been out rollin' and spotted one of those amazin' bubble booties that you can't peel your eyes away from, and at the same time it's attached to a woman you have no chance in hell with... Well Bubble Butt Bonanza cums through for you once again... I shit you not, we never thought we had a chance at this bangin' babe, but Caroline gave us the time of day and the time of our booty lovin' minds! So grab your cranks and get to work cause Caroline is gonna blow your top, PEACE!!
Caroline's got so much bangin' booty it's starts in December and ends a year later, girl's got 12 freakin' months of ass!!


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